Category: Programming
Suspense without lazy in React
From my previous post, we saw lazy-loaded components being rendered as children of a Suspense component. But what about non-lazy-loaded React elements? Let’s start by…
Lazy loading components dynamically with webpack
In previous posts, I’ve shown the basic amount of work to lazy-load a component. In this post, we’ll dive further into a more realistic example…
Rendering a list of lazy components in React
We saw in an earlier post how to render lazy-loaded components using Suspense. But what if we have a number of different components that we…
Lazy loading and Suspense in React
This is a quick start for using lazy and Suspense in React. We’ll start simply by showing how to use lazy and Suspense. For the…
Running containers vs running virtual machines – pros and cons simplified
If you can run multiple Docker containers on a single server and you can run multiple virtual machines on a single server, then how does…
CMD and ENTRYPOINT differences simplified
The difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT is something that I had always wondered about. On the surface, these seem to indicate that they are two…
Easy way to connect Docker to localhost
To connect Docker to localhost, running Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac, you can use the special DNS name host.docker.internal which resolves to the…
Docker: A concise, quick overview
Simply put, Docker is a set of tools that deliver software in containers. Containers differ from virtualised operating systems in that they are run by…
Practical ways to improve Visual Studio build log inspection
Working with Visual Studio build logs can be difficult. If you ever need to turn on detailed logging when building your application in Visual Studio…
Easy react-router-dom example
If you want to have the concept of ‘pages’ in your React app react-router-dom is the way to go. You can also use react-router-native for…